Viguen Series
This series is based on a single song by a popular Iranian singer by the name of Viguen Derderian (also written as Vigen). The idea behind the shapes of the letters is inspired by the work of Columbian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero whose subjects often have disproportional body parts making for a very unique composition.
Viguen (2020)
Sumi and fountain pen ink on mix media paper.
24 x 33 inches (framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.
The song that inspired this series is called Blue Sky (آسمان آبی). The poem is by Parviz Vakili who collaborated with Viguen on more than 20 songs.
This piece was on display from July 12 to September 18, 2021 at the Irvine Fine Arts Center as part of the All Media 2021 juried exhibition.

Blue Sky (2020)
Sumi, walnut, and fountain pen ink on mix media paper.
12.5 x 16.5 inches (not framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.
آسمان آبی

Leopard (2020)
Sumi ink on mix media paper.
12 x 31 inches (framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.

Untitled (2019)
Sumi and fountain pen ink on mix media paper.
17.5 x 21.5 inches (framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.