Tahereh Series
This series is based on two poems, one by Iqbal and the other by Dehlavi.
Sir Mohammad Iqbal (1873-1938) was a poet, philosopher, and academic in British India and is considered to have inspired the Pakistan Movement.
Amir Khusrau Dehlavi (1253-1325) was an Indian Sufi, poet and scholar who wrote poetry in Persian.
Tahereh (2019)
Sumi ink and watercolor on museum paper.
20 x 24 inches (framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.
The inspiration for this piece comes from a song called Rooberoo, a collaboration between Eendo band and Mohsen Namjoo. It is based on a poem by Iqbal.
In this absolutely incredible poem he tells us how he intends to explain in detail his love and pain when he meets his lover face to face... how his love is engrained in every cell of his body, and how he has searched everywhere and all he sees is her.
But there is one line in that poem which suggests that the author may have actually been female. In fact some attribute the poem to a revolutionary Baha’i woman who was executed in the Ghajar era.
در دل خویش طاهره، گشت و ندید جز تو را
صفحه به صفحه، لا به لا، پرده به پرده، تو به تو
Although the dispute is not very strong, the sheer plausibility of it was the inspiration for naming this piece after that woman: Tahereh.

Chehreh (2019)
Walnut ink and watercolor on watercolor paper.
16 x 20 inches (not framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.
Inspired by the same piece of music and poetry as Tahereh, this piece is named after a word in the poem which also happens to be the name of a dear friend.

Untitled (2019)
Sumi ink and watercolor on museum paper.
20 x 24 inches (framed)

Other pieces for sale
Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.
Lost (2019)
Walnut ink and watercolor on watercolor paper.
Top row: 7 x 11 inches (not framed)
Bottom row: 8 x 11 inches (framed)
Available for purchase. Please contact the artist here or by direct message on Instagram.
گم شده
The inspiration for these two pieces come from a song called Gazelle by Hamed Nikpay. It is based on a poem by Dehlavi.
In this poem, Dehlavi explains how he is lost and “has no news of himself” and is pleading with the beloved to pay him a visit. But he explains that when he thinks of his beloved he forgets all his pains and troubles.
Dehlavi was a Sufi and a mystic, so he may not be referring to a romantic situation.
خبرت هست که از خویش خبر نیست مرا
گذری کن که زغم راه گذر نیست مرا
گر سرم در سر سو دات رود نیست عجب
سرسودای تو دارم غم سرنیست مرا